Despite knowing all these facts, there are many people who might faint at the sight of blood.  Even a drop of blood on the fingertip can make them anxious and scared. Getting a blood test done can be half of the battle for them. This phobia might be initiated after seeing animal blood as well.


This phobia is generally called Blood Phobia.  In this blog, we are going to talk about the Fear of Blood or in clinical terms Hemophobia, and its symptoms, causes, and treatment, also know about 6 celebrities who have a fear of Blood.




People with hemophobia have an extreme and irrational fear of blood. Sometimes homophobes also have other phobias such as a fear of germs, doctors, catching a disease,  injection or needle and injury. The possible contributing factors of hemophobia are given below:


  • Previous Negative Experiences with blood from an intense, traumatic injury that caused major blood loss, frequent hospital stays, or seeing someone bleeding profusely might cause Hemophobia.
  • However, hemophobia can be inherited from family members. For example, if a child observes his/ her mother getting anxious or afraid after seeing blood, the fear might be inherited by the child as well.
  • Horrifying movies, TV shows, or pictures associated with blood may cause Hemophobia not only in children but also in adults.
  • Being in an environment that is related to blood.  Observing a serious accident or a complex medical procedure can cause Hemophobia.
  • Due to some Genetic functions, some people are more susceptible to phobias. Some genetic connections such as being sensitive or emotional can cause hemophobia.




Symptoms are usually triggered at the sight of blood. Symptoms can vary from person to person but there are some universal symptoms of Hemophobia, that are almost common to all people.

Some of those common symptoms are given in the following part:


  • Sudden rise or drop of Blood Pressure (BP)
  • Hot or cold flashes
  • Faint and nausea /vomit
  • Sweating
  • Chest pain
  • Tremble due to anxiety
  • Breathing Difficulties
  • Panic Attack




Fortunately, most people can overcome the fear of blood with lifestyle behavioural modification and different types of therapy. The fear of blood prohibits a person from routine check-ups or even sometimes skipping visits to doctors’ offices. So, it is very important to treat Hemophobia for physical and mental well-being. The following ideas will help one to live a fear-free life:


  • Gradual Exposure to the fear helps to reduce the anxiety at the sight of blood. But if one tries exposure therapy, make sure a relative or friend is around to avoid fainting and getting hurt. However, if you are prone to fainting longer (more than 1 to 2 minutes) require medical attention for fainting. Also should NOT try Exposure therapy without help from a Mental Health Professional. But constant avoidance of fear is also not acceptable.  Remember by working through annoying or uncomfortable situations, you will be able to overcome your fear of Blood.
  • Go through articles on blood tests, donation, and their importance in our bodies. This will help to know more about blood and its characteristics. That is how you will recover your fear. Incrementally increase reading time
  • Once you are okay with reading about blood, start watching videos concerning blood and surgical procedures as well as look at images of related things that will give you an insight of blood. Initially watch for 10 to 15 seconds and gradually increase the time.
  • Try not to avoid your fear and don’t skip any doctor’s appointment as well as any routine checkups due to your phobia. Remember, without exposure, you will never be able to conquer your fear. Look at your blood in person when an occasion arises.
  • Work through your fear at your own pace. Sincerity and dedication towards the process of overcoming fear are very important to consider.
  • Do not hesitate to consult a therapist if you are unable to manage your Hemophobia on your own. Many recover their fear of blood with exposure and other associated therapies. However, some cases require serious attention and help from a professional psychologist.




There are many people who suffer from fear of blood. According to research, almost 4% to 5% of the world’s population have hemophobia. Moreover,  Many celebrities and famous people also suffer from this phobia. Today we will learn about some of them:


Number: 1

John Hastings, the very popular former Australian  Bowler who played for the Victoria Cricket Team, has a severe Hemophobia. He retired in 2017 due to his fear of coughing up Blood.


Number: 2


Christina Ricci, the well-known American actress also has a Fear of Blood. The actress revealed that  “I often miss my routine check ups because of my acute fear of Blood. I fear having a finger prick blood test either.”


Number: 3


T Bone Burnett, the music producer, songwriter, musician and singer suffers from the fear of Blood. Once he said in an interview “I can not see blood or hear people talking about anything blood-related.”


Number: 4


Jorn Utzon, the very popular and talented Danish Architect who designed the  Sydney Opera House in Australia also had a strange fear of Blood. One of his co- workers said he fainted at the sight of blood while he was designing the Masterpiece Opera House.


Number: 5


Rafael Nadal, the tennis star, is afraid of a number of things, such as dogs, cats, spiders, motorbikes, darkness as well as Blood. Nadal said “Whenever I see Blood I get nervous and I usually pass out when my blood is drawn! It’s even difficult for me to speak about blood.


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