People of every age are suffering from stress nowadays. Some of them have heavy stress and some of them have lesser than others. Despite being rich or poor, stress can be your enemy in any age or situation. Different people have different issues for having stress and they have various reasons in life to be stressed. Whatever the reason is, every stressor should focus to relieve them from stress and relax a bit. Relaxing can be tough sometimes but everyone with stress should try to ease their stress at least.

“In times of great stress or adversity, it’s always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.” – A famous quote from American motorbike executive Lee Iacocca. This quote indicates to do some effective works for relaxing and alleviating stress a bit.

Life can be hard for anyone at any time but losing hope can’t be a solution. Instead of increasing your tension and stress, try to motivate yourself with some easy steps. Try to relax a bit and let the relaxation do the rest of the work. But with some techniques and a changed lifestyle with some good habits can ease your pain of stress.

There is one quote from author Danzae Pace, “Stress is the trash of modern life-we all generate it but if you don’t dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.” So stress should be disposed of in any way for the betterment of your own. And some good habits can literally help us for reducing stress. So let us see which of the best 10 good habits are to reduce stress.


Some of us possess a really bad food habit and most of the time; we don’t take food on time or in a routine. The bad timing of having food can really be harmful to both physical and mental health. So try to get on a routine. Stay at a specific time to take the specific meal. Some foods can help you to reduce stress such as egg yolk, dark chocolate, turmeric, yogurt, green tea, chamomile tea, fats of some fishes, etc.

Mainly, vitamin D is helpful for alleviating stress and egg yolk and yogurt are the best sources of vitamin D. So try to eat at least two eggs daily for a healthy life and try to have yogurt often.


The habit of exercise can lower your body’s stress hormones like cortisol and it can help you to release endorphins which can enhance your mood and act as natural pain killers. It can seem conflicting but physical stress through exercise can relieve mental pressure and anxiety. Also, exercise can help you to be tired and get you to fast sleeping. So for having a peaceful sleep in time, try to get some exercise on a daily basis and running can be the best example.


Try to have enough sleep every day. For a person of 20+ ages, it is necessary to take 8 hours of sleep every single day to have a balanced lifestyle. Sleeping early and get 8 hours of sleep can ease half of the stress pain. Some people say that they can’t sleep during the night due to tension and anxiety. Try to have a glass of milk every night which can induce sleep early.


Many counselors and therapists suggest dancing and laughing regularly. Dancing with your favorite music can help you to stimulate your mood and make you release oxytocin a bit. Like dancing, laughing can be a healing process too. Tell your Google or Siri or Alexa to tell some jokes to you every day and laugh hard. Try to bond with friends who are positive-minded and laugh with them too.


Journaling or noting down everyday activities with your own words can ease your stress. Therapists suggest this for having less anxiety. Because writing every minute of your day in your own words can help you to express every bitter feeling and also it can remind you of the good moments of the day. Days can be harder and write down your stress, tension, pressure, and anxiety through your writing. If you want to curse your enemy, curse him on your diary and feel the happiness.


Meditation is an old mind and body practice that has long-term positive psychological and physical benefits. Meditation also improves physical health by reducing blood pressure, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Meditation can be a way of reducing stress by controlling your mind. A deep breath is one of the steps in meditation. And deep breaths can help you to control the parasympathetic nervous system, which controls the relaxation response of your body.


Procrastination can increase your stress. Laziness is harmful to physical fitness and mental health too. Avoiding laziness and procrastination can make you motivated and help you to ease your stress through working. Being busy eliminates many opportunities of being tensed. Stress, anxiety, sadness, or tensions possess your body and mind for the lack of busy tasks. So try to be motivated and avoid procrastination.


Family time is required for every type of person. Family people can be trusted and they can hear you. Avoiding family can be foolishness for stressors. So try to spend quality time with family. Don’t be alone in your own room. Try to work with them. Try to cook for them. Try to talk with them in need. Try to make a good relationship with your parents. Try some nice gestures to be happy with your family. Relax a bit with your family and leave your tension for a moment.

9. Reduce your caffeine intake:

Brown people have a wrong thought about coffee. Many of them think, drinking coffee twice a day can ease stress. But this is not that much true. The truth is
high doses of caffeine can increase your anxiety. High doses of caffeine release stress-inducing hormones. So, cut back your level of caffeine intake and try to drink coffee occasionally instead of daily.

10. Regular counseling and therapy:

People often think they are capable of taking care of themselves. But it is a good habit to stay under a therapist or counselor to help you to go through your mental issues. Try to take a visit to the therapist on a regular basis for your own welfare. Try to listen to them and try to talk with your heart. Talking with therapists can decrease your mental issues and they can help you to be self-confident.

Life can be hard and sometimes you can’t control the hardness. But you can change yourself and you can work hard to feel good. One of the famous Endocrinologist of Canada-America said, “It’s not stress which kills us, it’s our reaction to it”. So don’t react like a fool. React wisely to your stress and lead a life in your own way. Build up stress-reducing habits and ease your pressure on your own.

Tanjila Fareha Rafa

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