Meditation is a healthy practice for both physical and mental health. Many researchers assured us before and still now that meditation is fruitful for many kinds of mental issues. Meditation helps us to control our mind and body, increases our mind positivity, finds clarity, helps us to stay in the present, and develops our concentration. Meditation focuses on the connection among the brain, body, and attitudes. People from every age and status can try meditation at a specific time of their day to solve mental and health issues like anxiety, stress, frustration, etc.
For managing stress levels and anxiety, meditation works better than any kind of medicine. Doctors even suggest different forms of meditation as well as prescribed medicines. Many forms of mediation are available in many parts of the world. Every different kind of country and culture practice various kinds of meditation. Different culture shows different meditation levels and yoga practices.
Among many types of meditation processes, there are some top kinds of meditation that help a person to reduce stress. For alleviating stress and pressure, deep breath works so well. And meditation gives a stressed patient a bigger chance to practice deep breathing every now and then. So, let’s see, which meditations are best to reduce stress:
This is one of the proven processes of meditation for reducing stress. This is originated from Buddha’s teaching and He once said, “Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.” Mindfulness meditation will help you to concentrate on your present by being a mindful and better person. The present is the only moment in which we can be sure of. It will not be a good thing to frustrate about the past and to overthink about the future. Practice mindfulness meditation to achieve a concentrated, calm mind and positive emotion for 8 weeks at a stretch. Mindfulness can be of great help to you if you try it with the utmost attention. This meditation can be done without a guide or teacher. Just Google it and go through mindfulness meditation videos to make the first move.
Most stressed patients face problems of keeping focus or concentration. They can’t do any work with a long time focus. They lose attention during long term works and start to think about their stressful issues. Focused meditation helps a person to be more focused and concentrated. Start a steady counting of beads or you just can try to count your breath for a longer time to practice the habit of being focused. This mediation practice can be done without a guide and teacher too. So just stay positive, sit in a calm place, and start meditation with a deep breath and counting.
To create a kind, loving and compassionate character, nothing is better than spiritual act-based meditation. Secular or non-secular both can try this kind of meditation through the self-prayer to make a deeper connection with the Divine or even with nature. Spiritual meditation supports a person to be the best version of him.
If you have a specific way of praying then try it at specific times and in a specific place. If you don’t have one, then sit down and try to chant any meditation mantras and stay focused. To see a self-reflection, try it and try to make you a better one.
Many of the stress patients can’t stay seated for a longer time. Or they are movers and staying focus through sitting is a hard task for them. Many poets and
novelists and even scientists walked around on places and meditated. And in the end, they gave us some nice, memorable creations and inventions.
So try movement meditation for a while if you are an action-based person. Get a walk in the forest, garden, parks and think about the positive issues to let your aura reflect a bit. This kind of meditation can let your mind wander and beautiful green scenarios can heal your mind with natural treatments.
Mantra is a Sanskrit term where “man” meaning “mind” and “tra” meaning “release.” In this meditation, you will focus on a specific word or mantra instead of your breath. That word will be repeated around and you will have to concentrate on the right frame of your mind.
This is Hinduism or Buddhism teaching of meditation but researchers also appreciated this meditation later as a tool of increasing positive emotional energy and it can reduce stress as well as increase self-awareness. Some stress patients get panic attacks often and they lose control over their breath. This mediation can heal your breathing problems through a repetitive cycle of words.
Last but not the least; meditation can be a great healer for you. You can do it without a guide too. Many people think mediation can’t be done without a teacher but no. You should try it often and some mediation can be tried in between your work too. So get a comfortable place, sit peacefully, and set a timer to get started with meditation. Meditation will help you more if you focus on positive memories and positive issues to get your mind on track.